Free Mona overlays

I recently got the chance to edit some beautiful photos of Anaelic’s Mona shot by Lolisa Photography. Amber created this cosplay from scratch and I’d eagerly followed her process as she perfected this costume, so it was a huge pleasure to become a part of this and retouch these images and help show off how truly stunning this cosplay is.

As Mona sports a lot of magic effects, I really felt like the images needed to include those. Usually I source pre-existing effects and brushes online and use them as overlays on my images, such as the water brush I used for one of the Mona images: Water splash brush set

However, I couldn’t find any free overlays of Mona’s constellation or other magic elements. Which is why I made a few of my own and would like to make them available for other people who are struggling to find overlays like these:

You can find and download the overlays here: Mona overlays

They’re very easy to use and completely free. All you need to do is open them in Photoshop, select and put them on a layer above your photo and set the overlay layer to “Screen” instead of the default “Normal”.

If you found these handy and would like to support me you can do so through Ko-fi (It’s very much appreciated but the download is still free!)

Alexandra Gritsevskaja